
Ljóðahátíð Nýhils: Kanadísk myndljóðlist Dereks Beaulieu

Myndljóðskáldið Derek Beaulieu verður meðal gesta á ljóðahátíð Nýhils sem hefst eftir tæpan mánuð. Áður hafa birst tvö verk eftir Derek á Tregawöttunum tíu þúsund og má sjá þau með því að smella
hér. Nýjustu ljóðabók hans, fractal Economies, má kaupa á Amazon með því að smella hér og dóm um hana má lesa á FFWDWeekly. Þar segir gagnrýnandinn, James Dangerous, m.a. "Visual artists like Marcel Duchamp had to deal with complaints of intelli-snobbery and grandstanding. Igor Stravinsky caused a riot at his debut of The Rite of Spring in 1913; by 1940, Disney had included the work in Fantasia. Concrete poetics is still young, and still dealing with problems that more "radical" art forms must endure. fractal economies, however, has the potential to be like Miles Davis’ Kind of Blue, which taps the vein of jazz for many listeners and musicians. Never read a book of concrete poetry before? This might be the one to hook you."

Verkið hér að ofan er fengið úr fractal economies og nefnist "untitled for brian kim stefans".

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